A one off magazine to celebrate Yarningham Online 2021. Yarn + Stitch magazine is the physical aspect of this year’s online festival. We usually produce a show brochure that has useful information about the festival and we commission exclusive patterns so that it then becomes something to keep, a memento of the customers visit to the festival.
With Yarn + Stitch magazine, we wanted to create something permanent, a tangible, physical item, beautifully designed with fantastic content. We chose the theme of friendship and connections for the magazine, which is really the basis of Yarningham. Everything within the magazine goes back to the aims and values we set out when creating Yarningham.
72 pages
7 exclusive patterns for a variety of stitch based crafts, beautifully photographed and illustrated
5 Midlands Maker Spotlights - Short articles written by Midlands based makers with yarn and stitch at the heart of their work.
Yarn - The String That Binds by Gaye Glasspie
Pattern Recognition - Factory Records to Recording Factories by Sam Meech
Invest in Platonic Intimacy by Rida Suleri-Johnson
A comic strip featuring Yarningham mascots Boris and Donald illustrated by Ruth Green
An introduction by Jeanette Sloan
Designers featured:
Sylvia Watts-Cherry, Noriko Ho, Sandra Gutierrez, Tina Francis, Scott Smith of Crystal Yarn, Jayalakshmi MH of Apoorva Designs and Gurinder Hatchard.
Printed in the UK. Print only, no digital download available Pattern information available here